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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Speakers from around the world presented their latest work

MW2002 featured a variety of sessions exploring all aspects of the creation, development, maintenance and evaluation of Web sites in museums, cultural and heritage organizations.

Sessions are listed chronologically below, or you can see an overview of the program.

Thursday April 18, 2002
9:30 AM-
10:30 AM


Opening Plenary

The Museum: A Building Type in Transition

11:00 AM-
12:30 PM

Beyond the Screen

Digital Curation

netzspannung.org - A Collaborative Knowledge Space for Media Art and Technology

Internet: a dynamic, living archive of digital art?

Hacking Culture

11:00 AM-
12:30 PM


Evaluation Frameworks

Cruising through

Evaluating the features of Museum Websites (The Bologna Report)

There's Something Happening Here, What It Is Ain't Exactly Clear

11:00 AM-
12:30 PM

Information Management

Integrated Publishing

Adding value to large multimedia collections through annotation technologies and tools: Serving communities of interest.

Exhibiting Communications: Digital Narratives at the National Library of Medicine

Integrating a Traveling Exhibit, Catalogue and Educational Web Site

11:00 AM-
12:30 PM


Learning in Theory and Practice

2001: A Cyberspace Odyssey

How Do You Like To Learn? Comparing User Preferences and Visit Length of Educational Web Sites

Learning by Design: Teachers / Museums / Technology

1:30 PM-
3:00 PM

Information Management

Standards in Action

Combining the CIDOC CRM and MPEG-7 to Describe Multimedia in Museums

Now That We've Found the 'Hidden Web' What Can We Do With It? The Illinois Open Archives Initiative Metadata Harvesting Experience

The Virtual Ramp to the Equivalent Experience in the Virtual Museum: Accessibility to Museums on the Web

1:30 PM-
3:00 PM


Teachers and Museums

Pyramid Power: A Train-the-Trainer Model to Increase Teacher Usage of the ArtsConnectEd On-line Resource

Think Globally, Act Locally: The Role of Real Teachers in Community Science Issues

Digital Primary Source Materials in the Classroom

1:30 PM-
3:00 PM

Beyond the Screen

Touching the Virtual

Inuit 3D: An Interactive Virtual 3D Web Exhibition

Towards Tangible Virtualities: Tangialities

The Museum Wearable

3:30 PM-
5:00 PM

Information Management

Content Management

Here and there: managing multiply - purposed digital assets on the Duyfken website

Today's Authoring Tools for Tomorrow's Semantic Web

Content Management for a Content-Rich Website

3:30 PM-
5:00 PM


Evaluation Experience

The Design and Development of an Online Exhibition for Heritage Information Awareness

Statistics, Structures & Satisfied Customers: Using web log data to improve site performance

Pre-Testing to Predict Participation in Online Communities

The Uses of Virtual Museums: The French Viewpoint

3:30 PM-
5:00 PM


My Web, My Way

Beyond Data Driven: The Development of Mystic Seaport's Website

Exhibits on Demand - Project Goals and Approach

Systematically Speaking: How Do Natural History Museum Web Sites Represent Science?

3:30 PM-
5:00 PM

Beyond the Screen

The Enhanced Gallery

Eavesdropping on Electronic Guidebooks: Observing Learning Resources in Shared Listening Environments

Can you see me? Exploring co-visiting between physical and virtual visitors

Diving in at the Deep End - The British Galleries at the V&A

Friday April 19, 2002
  Exhibit Hall open all day
10:30 AM-
11:30 AM

Mini Workshop: Design
Mini Workshop: E-Mail Marketing
Mini Workshop: How Small Institutions Implement Large Web Sites
Mini Workshop: Project Management

11:00 AM-
1:00 PM
Mini Workshop: Networked multi-sensory experiences
10:30 AM-
4:00 PM
Usability Lab
11:30 PM-
1:00 PM
Crit Room 1
1:00 PM-
2:00 PM
Mini Workshop: Accessibility
Mini Workshop: Digital Rights Management
Mini Workshop: Image File Formats
Mini Workshop: Resource Description Framework (RDF)
1:30 PM-
3:00 PM
Crit Room 2
3:00 PM-
4:00 PM
Mini Workshop: Broadband Programming
Mini Workshop: Museophile
Mini Workshop: E-Docents
Mini Workshop: Performance to Web
Mini Workshop: MuseDoma

Saturday April 20, 2002
11:30 AM-
1:00 PM

Information Management

Experiencing Complex Data

Making It Realtime: Exploring the use of optimized realtime environments for historical simulation and education.

The Electronic Guidebook: Using Portable Devices and a Wireless Web-based Network to Extend the Museum Experience

Weaving Meaning: the W3C's Semantic Web Initiatives

11:30 AM-
1:00 PM

Information Management

Thinking Big

Virtual Pyramids: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston's Giza Archives Project

Documenting the V&A's collecting, publishing, and exhibiting history

Swiss National Museums - the design of a virtual museum

11:30 AM-
1:00 PM

World Strategies

World Cultures, World Strategies

Native American Art in Cyberspace

The first W -- A Web Site for Non-English Speaking Audiences

South Africa, Storytelling and the Web

Representing Asia: Building a Web Site for the Musée Guimet, Paris

2:30 PM-
3:30 PM

Real Access, Virtual Guides

Designing The Accessible Museum: If I Can Experience It, Everyone Can Experience it Better

3:30 PM-
5:00 PM


Exhibit Design as Experience Design

Exhibit Design as Experience Design: merging the worlds of museums, technology, and performance