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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Nick Brod
Multimedia Manager
The Victoria & Albert Museum
Brompton Road
South Kensington
SW7 2RL United Kingdom
Email: n.brod@vam.ac.uk

Nick Brod is the Multimedia Manager of the V&A responsible for the development and production of all in-gallery multimedia projects. Coming from a background of engineering design, through corporate multimedia and then managing a London web agency, he joined the V&A three years ago with a brief to bring the Museum into the 21st century. For the past 3 years, he managed the conception, production and delivery of the 90 interactives that are now live in the V&A's British Galleries, constituting one of the largest art-gallery new media developments in recent years. Nick will present the story of the past three years in Diving in at the Deep End - The British Galleries at the V&A.

Nick will present Diving in at the Deep End - The British Galleries at the V&A