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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Mirjana Spasojevic
Program Manager
Hewlett-Packard Labs
1501 Page Mill Road
MS IU-17
Palo Alto CA
94306 USA
Email: mirjana_spasojevic@hp.com

Mirjana Spasojevic has been a researcher with Hewlett-Packard Labs

since 1995 and is currently managing a research team in the CoolTown

program (cooltown.hp.com), developing software architecture and

infrastructure for mobile Internet services. She is primarliy

responsible for technical transfer of the Place Manager, a directory-

like service that customizes access to Web appliances and online

resources, and she manages collaborations with internal product

divisions and external partners. Prior to her current position, she

was a manager in the Storage Systems Program, involved with planning

and configuration of enterprise storage systems. She was preiviously

with Transarc Corporation and served as an Assistant Professor at the

Washington State University School of Electrical Engineering and

Computer Science. Dr. Spasojevic obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science

from The Pennsylvania State University in 1991 with a thesis on

Management of Replicated Data in Distributed Systems, and holds an MS

in Computer Science fromThe Pennsylvania State University (1989) and a

BS in Mathematics from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1986).

She shares in 4 Hewlett-Packard Co. patents and has published numerous

articles and technical reports.

Mirjana will present The Electronic Guidebook: Using Portable Devices and a Wireless Web-based Network to Extend the Museum Experience