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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Scott Sayre
Director of Media and Technology
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Interactive Media Group
2400 Third Ave. South
Minneapolis MN
55404-3596 USA
Email: ssayre@artsmia.org

Scott Sayre is the Director of Media and Technology at The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. In 1997 Scott led the formation of a collaborative online partnership with the Walker Art Center resulting in the development of ArtsConnectEd, a comprehensive resource for teachers and

students. Scott's other projects include the development of the MIA's web-site in 1993 and the formation of the Institute’s in-house Interactive Media Group in early 1991, which has produced and installed sixteen interactive multimedia programs throughout the museum's galleries. Prior to Scott's work at the Institute, Scott held the position of Applications Researcher as the University of Minnesota's Telecommunications Development Center. Scott has a Doctorate in Education from the University of Minnesota and in 1996 received the Larry Wilson Award for Outstanding Achievement in a Non-School Environment.

Scott will present Pyramid Power: A Train-the-Trainer Model to Increase Teacher Usage of the ArtsConnectEd On-line Resource