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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Matt Reynolds
Media Lab
E15-022, 20 Ames St
Cambridge MA
02139 USA
Email: matt@media.mit.edu

Matt Reynolds is an electrical engineer specializing in wireless communication systems. He has designed remote sensing and communication systems that have been deployed successfully at the south summit of Mt. Everest, on the Embree Glacier in Antarctica, in rural South America, and underwater in MIT's ORCA robotic submarine. An interactive juggling system he designed may be currently seen on tour with the Flying Karamazov Brothers[1]. Matt has worked closely with industry, consulting and collaborating with United Technologies, LEGO, Motorola, and Escher Labs on projects including smart badges, toys, advanced radio frequency identification transponders, and smart envelopes. Matt's research interests include low power wireless systems, embedded communications and networking, radiolocation systems, electronic circuits and devices, and digital signal processing. He is a Ph.D. candidate and Motorola Fellow at the MIT Media Lab, and holds S.B. and M.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. [1] Reynolds, Schoner, et al. An Immersive, Multi-User Musical Stage Environment. Proceedings ACM Siggraph 2001, ACM Press, NY.

Matt will participate in a Exhibit Design as Experience Design: merging the worlds of museums, technology, and performance