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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Jeff Burke
Visiting Assistant Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Dept. of Film, Television and Digital Media
102 East Melnitz Hall
Los Angeles CA
90024 USA
Email: jburke@hypermedia.ucla.edu

Jeff Burke is a Research Fellow at the UCLA HyperMedia Studio and a Visiting Assistant Professor in the UCLA Department of Film, Television and Digital Media. He is also on the faculty of the graduate industrial design program at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and has undergraduate and masters degrees in Electrical Engineering from UCLA. He has designed interactive systems for numerous media installations exhibited internationally and worked in technical production in community, academic, and professional theater. His most recent collaboration with the UCLA Department of Theater was as the Interactive Systems Designer for its production of Ionesco's Macbett in the 2000-2001 subscription series.

Jeff will present Networked multi-sensory experiences: Beyond browsers on the web and in the museum
Jeff will participate in a Exhibit Design as Experience Design: merging the worlds of museums, technology, and performance