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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Frank Corcoran
Canadian Museum of Civilization
100 Laurier St.
Box 3100 Station B
Hull Quebec
J8X 4H2 Canada
Email: imaxfilm@civilization.ca

Frank Corcoran is a former longtime employee of the Canadian Museum of Civilization where he held a varitey of posts including Chief, Communications; Director, Public Programmes; Director, Marketing and Business Development; Senior Advisor, National Service and Outreach. He has served as Executive Producer, Producer and Director of a number of film, video and CD-ROM projects and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Giant Screen Theater Association. Educated in St. Dunstan's University (B.A., Engligsh Philosophy), Nova Scotia Teachers College, Carleton University (Diploma in Public Administration) he now works on contract for the Museum of Civilization where he has curated an exhibition on ancint Egypt and collaborated on a Virtual Reality application of Inuit Art.

Frank will present Inuit 3D: An Interactive Virtual 3D Web Exhibition