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published: April, 2002

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Steven Allison-Bunnell
Senior Producer and Writer
Educational Web Adventures LLP
533 Blaine St.
Missoula MT
59801-4118 USA
Email: steve@eduweb.com

Steve Allison-Bunnell has been a science writer and Web producer since the mid-1990s, when he was founding Nature and Science Editor of the Discovery Channel Online. There he produced some of the first real-world online adventures to be published on the Web, including coverage of the DCI-sponsored expeditions to the Galapagos and the Titanic. At Eduweb, he writes and produces many of science and social studies adventures. He has also written for discovery.com and britannica.com, and the U.S. Forest Service. With a B.A. in Biology from the University of Oregon and a Ph.D in Science and Technology Studies from Cornell University, he brings a deep knowledge of the natural world to digital storytelling.

Steven will teach Goal-Based Scenarios for Effective Web Education
Steven will present How Do You Like To Learn? Comparing User Preferences and Visit Length of Educational Web Sites