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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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John Taylor
Imaging Applications Scientist
National Research Council of Canada
Visual Information Technology Group
1200 Montreal Road
Building M-50
Ottawa ON
K1A 0R6 Canada
Email: john.taylor@nrc.ca

John Taylor is an Imaging Applications Scientist at the Institute for Information Technology, National Research Council of Canada.

His current interest is the development of 3D imaging and display technology for museum and heritage applications. Prior to joining NRC, he worked at the Canadian Conservation Institute (1972 - 1995) and the National Gallery of Canada (1971 - 1972).

He holds B.S. (1969) and M.S. (1971) degrees in chemistry from Michigan Technological University and is a Fellow of the International Institute for Conservation.

John will present Inuit 3D: An Interactive Virtual 3D Web Exhibition
John will teach Museum and heritage applications of digital 3D imaging