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published: April, 2002

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Museums and the Web 2002: Best of the Web
Recognizing achievement in heritage Web site design

Each year, Museums and the Web sponsors the “Best of the Web” competition. Museum Web sites from around the world were nominated in a variety of categories and judged by an independent panel of judges.

See if your favorite site was nominated.

This year's categories include:

Best On-line Exhibition

Best E-Services Site

Best Museum Web Site Supporting Educational Use

Best Innovative or Experimental Application

Best Museum Professional's Site

Best Museum Research Site

Best Overall Museum Web site

As well as choosing the best in each category, the judges chose the "Best of the Web" from all the sites nominated. This award recognized the outstanding nature of a site and its overall contribution to the institution, museum profession and cultural informatics community. Prior winners were:

1997: The Exploratorium
1998: MoMA The Museum of Modern Art
1999: Walker Art Center
2000: State Hermitage Museum
2001: Bhutan - Fortress of the Gods

and the 2002 Winner was...

Overall Chair of the Best of the Web Contest

Jim Angus, Website Project Manager
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Bethesda, MD, USA

2002 Best of the Web Judges

Categories judged in Parenthesis

Thimoty Barbieri
ITECH Engineering
Milano, Italy

Angela Brayham
(research, online exhibit, e-services)
Director of the Canadian Craft & Design Museum
Vancouver, BC, Canada

John Chadwick
(professional, education)
Arizona K-12 Center Northern Arizona University
Phoenix, AZ, USA

Susan Chun
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY, USA

Dale Clark
San Diego Natural History Museum
San Diego, CA, USA

Jim Devine
(education, e-services)
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland

Herminia Din
(online exhibit)
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Karen Elinich
(education, innovative)
Franklin Institute
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Dr. Patricia Gillard
User Insite Pty Ltd
Braddon, Australia

David Green
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage
Washington DC, USA

David Greenfield
(education, innovative)
Skirball Cultural Center
Los Angeles, CA , USA

Katherine Burton Jones
(professional, online exhibit, e-services)
Harvard Divinity School
Cambridge, MA, USA

Lawrence Monda
(online exhibit)
National Museums of Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya

Joan C. Nordbotten
(professional, innovative)
University of Bergen, Norway
Bergen, Norway

Dr Jim O'Donnell
(online exhibit)
Royal Observatory Greenwich
Greenwich, United Kingdom

Virginia Pifko
(research, online exhibit)
The Art Museum Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, USA

Angelina Russo
University of Queensland
Queensland, Australia

Kevin Sumption
Powerhouse Museum
Haymarket, Australia

Kathy Talley-Jones

Pasadena, CA, USA

Isabelle Vinson
UNESCO Sector for culture
Paris, France

Ned Zimmerman-Bence
Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul, MN, USA