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published: April, 2002

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James Blackaby
Mystic Seaport Museum
75 Greenmanville Ave.
PO Box 6000
Mystic CT
06355-0990 USA
Email: jimb@mysticseaport.org

Jim Blackaby started his museum career as a researcher at Old Sturbridge Village, spent ten years as curator of the Mercer and Fonthill Museums, and several years as a consultant developing information systems for museums of all types. Before joining the staff of Mystic Seaport, he worked for several years at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and worked part time on a project of the Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Institute of Arts for a year. He teaches museum information at the University of Victoria and is learning to sail at Mystic Seaport.

James will present Beyond Data Driven: The Development of Mystic Seaport's Website