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Painting Techniques videos made for Abstract Expressionist New York


The Museum of Modern Art


In-house with Plowshares Media


Audio | Visual | Podcast


Painting Techniques of Jackson Pollock

These five videos are unique in that they give us a practical, "insiders" view of the techniques of five  great Abstract Expressionist artists, Ad Reinhardt, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Franz Kline and Barnett Newman. Corey d'Augustine, MoMA instructor, independent conservator and artist, visually unwinds the works of art through close looking in MoMA's galleries, showing how they were made, and demonstrating the artist's techniques in the studio (Pollock's drips, Newman's zips, etc.). Works of art that are sometimes seen as simple, are shown to be very complex in terms of the artist's engagement with materials. The videos help viewers to engage with difficult works of art by giving them tools to recognize the properties of different kinds of paint and ways of applying and mixing paint, thereby encouraging them to look closely at the work of art and consider the artist's process.


Painting Techniques of Jackson Pollock

Painting Techniques of Barnett Newman

Painting Techniques of Barnett Newman

The Painting Techniques of Franz Kline

The Painting Techniques of Mark Rothko

The Painting Techniques of Mark Rothko

The Painting Techniques of Ad Reinhardt

The Painting Techniques of Ad Reinhardt