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Museums and the Web

An annual conference exploring the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line.

Linking European Television Heritage


EUscreen represents all major European television archives and acts as a key aggregator providing audiovisual content to Europeana. The project aims at the creation of an online collection of representative television programmes, secondary sources of information and articles, facilitating access to students, scholars and the general public. The multidisciplinary dimension of the project is mirrored in the composition of the socio-technical nature of the consortium composed of 20 audiovisual collection owners, technology providers, legal experts, educational technologists and media historians from 20 European countries. The main technical goals of EUscreen are to (i) implement and operate a state-of-the-art workflow for content ingestion, (ii) provide a front-end that accommodates requirements of several user groups.

Metadata aggregation is implemented through the MINT platform ( MINT facilitates the ingestion, semantic alignment and aggregation of metadata records. It also implements a variety of remediation approaches. Interoperability is achieved on the basis of a well established harvesting schema, for which EUScreen uses the EBUCore metadata set as a conceptual reference model ( EBUCore interoperability is strongly maintained with respect to W3C developments through EBU’s active participation in the development of the Media Annotation ontology.

The EUscreen project ( has recently taken steps to expand its scope to provide unified access to large integrated digital collections related to European television history. By supporting the Linking Open Data W3C community project and by signing the new Europeana Data Exchange Agreement, the material  is made accessible through the EUscreen platform and becomes more widely searchable, findable, linkable, and accessible. It is therefore more connected to the world wide web, its users and the machines that link them together. With the aggregation model in place, EUScreen was all set for an easier implementation of the Linked Data principles, which permit the interpretation and interlinking of  EUScreen data with various sources of information also outside of the EUscreen domain. EBUCore provides mappings to all known audiovisual metadata standards and the respective ontology was used to formalise  and serialise metadata in the Resource Description Framework (RDF), which is now published by EUScreen as Linked Open Data.

More specifically, the first step was to map the harvesting EUscreen schema to the EBUcore ontology. The second step was to perform internal and external linking of the data set, initially using , specific elements of the harvesting schema relating items. Values of elements like location and language were linked, and used to discover potentially interesting relevant external resources. The first outcome of this process was the linking of EUScreen’s video content and metadata to the DBpedia, Eurostat, Freebase and NY Times data sources (

The paper discusses the reasoning behind the workflow, the set-up and overview of the process and how these technical developments effectively improve access to our shared television history to students, teachers and the general audience. The ongoing operation on Linked Data publication and consumption within the project and especially the participation of television archives in its validation is also being discussed as an important and new aggregation task.


Paper - in formal session


nsimou's picture
Nikolaos Simou was born in Athens (Greece) in January 1981. He is a researcher at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National and Technical University of Athens. He is interested in applications of Semantic Web/Linked Data technology in the Cultural Heritage domain and...
tzouvaras's picture
Biography pending.
ndroso's picture
Athanasios (Nasos) Drosopoulos was born in Lamia, Greece in 1976. He received the degree in Computer Science from the University of Ioannina, Greece in 1998. In 1999 he was accepted for a Ph.D. in the field of computer vision from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the...
JPEvain's picture
Jean-Pierre Evain works for EBU Technical and Development since 1992 on new systems and services. He is in charge of coordinating all EBU metadata activities for production and distribution (EBUCore, egatMETA, the EBU data model, TV-Anytime, etc.). He is in the W3C Media Annotation Working Group...
JohanOomen's picture
Drs. Johan Oomen is head of the R&D Department of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and researcher at the Web and Media group of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is mainly working on externally funded research projects that focus on providing online access to digital heritage....
mrendina's picture
Biography pending.