Museums and the Web

An annual conference exploring the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line.

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MW2010 Program Committee Reviewing proposals

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By jennifer trant - Posted on 06 October 2009

Proposals are now in for Museums and Web 2010. True to form, the majority of them came in right on the deadline. If we hadn't done this before, we'd be worried about having a program. But we know that MW is a 'just in time' group. At the final tally, we only had 35% of this year's proposals in-hand on the day before the deadline (compared to almost 50% last year).

Our impression was that more proposals were coming in earlier, but that's because we received a lot more proposals this year than last: 198 as opposed to 157 – that's an increase of 26%. Is that because being on the program is more important for travel plans?  Or is there just more going on?

As usual, the vast majority of proposals were for Papers, but there are also going to be hard choices to make in Mini-Workshops, Professional Forums and Workshops as there are fewer slots on the program for those types of presentation.

Proposals are now being reviewed by the MW2010 Program Committee. Each proposal is read and ranked by three committee members. Then as Co-Chairs, David and I review these rankings and propose a program to the committee.

Potential Presenters are contacted by early November, and we hope to have the program online by the end of November at the latest.

Workshops are on a separate track, and we hope to have these announced shortly.

There's still a chance to participate in Museums and the Web 2010. The Deadline for Demonstration proposals is December 31, 2009. We'll also repeat last year's successful unconference sessions, so that there will be a chance to discuss up-to-the minute issues and concerns.

As always, we're interested in what makes Museums and the Web work for you. Leave us a comment here, send feedback, or drop us a note to mw2010 /at/ archimuse /dot/ com if you have suggestions.

jennifer and David