Museums and the Web

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CONFERENCE: EVA London 2007, 9-13 July: Electronic Visualisation

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By Jonathan Bowen - Posted on 06 February 2007


Electronic Visualisation and the Arts

9-13 July 2007, London, UK

The EVA London conference is a forum for communicating the uses and
implications of electronic visualisation in the arts and culture. Held
annually, it is for groups and organisations from a wide range of
disciplines to share and promulgate results. The scope includes an
inspirational range of perspectives, from policy and strategy to
technology and visual and other creative arts. It is a venue for
practitioners, researchers, managers, policy makers and suppliers.

Call for Papers: deadline 28 February 2007

We invite offers of papers, which should be submitted electronically to by 28th February 2007. We require a summary
of the paper on not more than one page. The title, authors' name,
affiliation and contact details should be shown at the top of the page.

Subject coverage

Papers may be on any aspect of EVA London's focus on visualisation for
the arts and culture, broadly interpreted, including technology, use and
users, creative, visual and performing arts and music, strategy,
organisational implications and policy.

Acceptance and deadlines

Authors will be notified by the end of March whether their paper is
accepted. Papers will be fully refereed and are published as conference
preprints and will also be online. Full papers are up to ten A4 pages in
length including images and references. The deadline for submitting a
full paper will be 14th May.


The discounted rate for speakers' registration for the conference will
be notified in due course.

-- Jonathan Bowen -
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