Museums and the Web

An annual conference exploring the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line.

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Hiding our Collections in Plain Site: Interface Strategies for "Findability"

TitleHiding our Collections in Plain Site: Interface Strategies for "Findability"
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSolas, N.
Secondary TitleMuseums and the Web
Conference Start DateApril 13-17, 201
PublisherArchives & Museum Informatics
Place PublishedDenver, Colorado, USA
EditorTrant, J., & Bearman D.
Keywordsart collection, browse, faceted search, findability, interface, log analysis

A recent redesign of the collection search interface for an on-line art education tool ( has provided an opportunity to compare usage patterns between the two versions. In this paper I first survey current search interface design patterns, then discuss the new interface, the log cleanup and analysis, and finally present evidence-based recommendations that may be applied to the general problem of presenting large collections on-line.