Speaker: John Harlan Warren
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

John Harlan Warren

Education Specialist / Park Ranger
National Parks of New York Harbor Education Center
210 New York Avenue
Staten Island NY
10305 USA

John Harlan Warren is an education specialist at the National Parks of New York Harbor Education Center on Staten Island, where students fire air-powered cannon and act out the true stories of Ellis Island immigrants. He has 20 years of experience as a park ranger for the National Park Service. He has developed content and designed web pages for NPS parks since 1995, when he worked at Edison National Historic Site in West Orange, New Jersey. In 2007 he conceived of the Save Our History™ student video project, which won the organization’s Preservation Award. For the video podcast series “National Parks in Your Pocket,” he was the main point of contact between National Park staff in New York Harbor parks and Ducat Media LLC. In November 2008 he organized the workshop “Digital Natives and Analog Parks: Engaging Young Adults.” In 2002 he won the NPS Northeast Region’s Freeman Tilden Award for designing the education program “Who’s the Victor? Edison and the Phonograph.” The program includes students making a sound recording onto a sheet of tin foil, using a replica 1878 phonograph. In 2005 he received his masters in museum education from Bank Street College in New York City. With Claudia Ocello, Warren team-teaches classes in museum education at Seton Hall University.

John Harlan will present The Roar of a Virtual Campfire: Using Video Podcasts to Attract Young Adults to New York’s National Parks. [Paper]