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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

Museums and the Web 2002: Welcome
The international conference about museums and the Web!

The sixth annual Museums and the Web conference was the premier international venue to review the state of the Web in arts, culture, and heritage. The MW2002 program addressed Web-related issues for museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions.

Speakers from around the world summarized their activities in sessions and panels. Pre-conference workshops provided in-depth study of methods and issues in design, development, evaluation and maintenance of heritage Web sites. Throughout MW2002, a variety of session formats including the Crit Rooms, a Usability Lab, Mini-Workshops, and Demonstrations offered diverse modes of presentation. An Exhibit Hall featured the latest in commercial technology and services. A variety of evening social events ensured plenty of opportunity to build personal networks.

When is the next MW Conference?

Museums and the Web 2003
March 19-22, 2003
Charlotte, North Carolina

Museums and the Web 2004
March 31-April 3, 2004
Arlington, Virginia

Who Came?

Webmasters, educators, curators, librarians, designers, managers, and directors from over 20 countries who work in museums, libraries, archives, historic sites, and the companies that support them. See a list of institutions represented at MW2002.

Best of the Web Awards

Once again, MW2002 recognized the best cultural and heritage Web sites. See who was nominated. Awards were announced at the conference.

Exhibit Hall

MW2002 featured a fully networked Exhibit Hall which showcased the latest in products and services for creating and enhancing cultural heritage and educational Web sites.


Thanks to our sponsors.

Conference Co-Chairs

David Bearman and Jennifer Trant
Archives & Museum Informatics

Flavia Sparacino
MIT Media Lab

Local Arrangements Committee

Philip Getchell, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Edward Rodley, Museum of Science, Boston

Program Committee

Susan Chun
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY, USA

Jim Devine
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland

Karen Elinich

Franklin Institute Science Museum
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Kati Geber
Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)
Hull, Quebec, Canada

Susan Hazan

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Israel

Norbert Kanter

Zetcom AG
Berlin, Germany

Cary Karp

Swedish Museum of Natural History
Stockholm, Sweden

Carl Lagoze
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY, USA

Mike Lowndes
The Natural History Museum, London
London, England

Paul Marty
Spurlock Museum, University of Illinois
Urbana, IL, USA

Marc Nanard
Montpellier, France

Liddy Nevile
Sunrise Research
Melbourne, Australia

Paolo Paolini
Politecnico di Milano
Milano, Italy

Xavier Perrot

UniversitEde Metz
Metz, France

Sam Quigley
Harvard University Art Museums
Cambridge, MA, USA

Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Universidade do Minho
Braga, Portugal

Beth Sandore
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL, USA

Thom Sempere
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA, USA

Peter Sigmond
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Flavia Sparacino
MIT Media
Cambridge, MA, USA

Kevin Sumption
Powerhouse Museum
Haymarket, Australia

Tine Wanning

National Museum of Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark

Karen Worcman
Museum of the Person
Sao Paulo, Brazil


Get the Book & CD-ROM

The Proceedings of MW2002 (CD-ROM) and Museums and the Web 2002: Selected Papers are available. Proceedings from past Museums and the Web Conferences (1997 - 2001) and of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ichim) (1991 - 2001) are also available, see the Archives & Museum Informatics Order Form for details.

Past Museums and the Web Conferences

See the programs and papers of past Museums and the Web conferences on-line:

  • MW2002, Boston, Massachusetts
  • MW2001, Seattle, Washington
  • MW2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • MW99, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • MW98, Toronto, Ontario
  • MW97, Los Angeles, California

Future Museums and the Web Websites

  • MW2003, Charlotte, North Carolina
  • MW2004, Arlington, Virginia