Caroline Cassells
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Caroline Cassells

Curator of Education & Academic Programming
Princeton University Art Museum
Art Museum
Princeton University
Princeton NJ
08544-1018 USA

Caroline Cassells holds a BA in Art History with and emphasis in Medieval art from the University of Maryland, and masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Virginia. She completed her dissertation Le Violon de Delacroix: Musicality and Modernist Aesthetics in 2004. She is Curator of Education and Academic Programs at the Princeton University Art Museum. Before coming to Princeton, she served as Staff Lecturer in Charge of Academic Affairs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She has taught art history at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Since coming to Princeton, she has worked on content for several collections or exhibitions-based web project.

Caroline will present Every Project Needs A Plan. [Mini-Workshop]