Museums and the Web

An annual conference exploring the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line.

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Remixing Exhibits: Constructing participatory narratives with on-line tools to augment museum experiences

TitleRemixing Exhibits: Constructing participatory narratives with on-line tools to augment museum experiences
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsTwiss-Garrity, B., & Fisher M.
Secondary TitleMuseums and the Web 2007. Proceedings
PublisherArchives & Museum Informatics
Place PublishedToronto, Canada
EditorTrant, J., & Bearman D.
Keywordsblogs | blogging, digital storytelling, innovative thinking ideas, interactive exhibits, middle school education, museum education research, museum remixes, on-line collaboration, participatory storytelling, podcasting, Web 2.0

This paper highlights the power of Web 2.0 tools and services to transform museum visitors' experiences from passive viewing events into interactive, empowering and inspiring educational opportunities. On-line collaboration tools -- such as those for blogging, podcasting and image sharing -- are transforming museum visitors into active on-line contributors. When empowered to construct their own narratives in response to museum exhibits, visitors establish new connections to the exhibit content. Beyond expected content synthesis, these immersive activities stimulate learning in the affective domain. The participation in collaborative narrative activities engenders creative, independent analysis, promoting learner self-efficacy and a personal connection with exhibit subject matter that is unparalleled in more traditional and passive approaches. Both this kind of participatory storytelling and the educational impact of adopting a collaborative framework are presented through two case studies -- The Franklin Remixed and The Art of Storytelling.Engaged with in this immersive way, museum artifacts become rich sources of innovation and personal growth. Follow-up studies are indicated to examine the impact of creative "Remixes" on self-efficacy and innovative thinking skills.
